Extract a keyboard from mnemonic using Web3.JS V2
In this article, we will study how to extract the solar keyboard from the Mnemonic phrase using Web3.JS V2 Library. We will also analyze the equivalent performance in Typescript.
Before you start, make sure you have:
- Set a solar environment with a portfolio provider (eg metamark).
- Download the
file from Sola’s official website: < >>
- Meet the web library3.JS V2.
Extract a keyboard from Mnemn
Mnemonic expressions are cryptographically protected and can be used to extract keyboards. Here is an example of performance:
Import {mnemnictosad, mnemonicseed} from '@solar/web3.js';
Import {Keypair} from './Keypair-signer.d.ts';
const mnemonic = 'your words-manonic-beauty'; // replace with your mnemonic phrase
// extract a keyboard using the mnemonic seed
Const Keypair = New Keypair ();
Const mnemonicseed = mnemonictseseed (mnemonic, mnemonicseed);
Keypair.privatekey = mnemonicseed;
In this example, we use
@solar/web3.JSto extract a keyboard from a mnemonic phrase. First, we transform the mnemonic phrase into seeds using
mnemonictaseda, then create a new copy of the keyboard.
Equivalent performance in Typescript
Unfortunately, there is no direct equivalent of Keyypair.fromseed ()
in the Keypair-signer.d.ts' file. However, we can achieve such functionality by creating a copy of the "keyboard" and manual extraction of the private seed key:
Import {mnemonictseseed} from '@solar/web3.js';
Import {Keypair} from './Keypair-signer.d.ts';
const mnemonic = 'your words-manonic-beauty'; // replace with your mnemonic phrase
// extracting a keyboard using manually made mnemonic seeds
Function Derivekeypair (Mnemonicseed: String): Keypair {
Const primekey = keypair.generatefromseed (mnemonicseed, {length: 32});
Return privatekey;
Const keypair = derivekeypair (mnemonictoseed (mnemonic, mnemnictoseed));
In this achievement, we use the
generatefromseed () methodto create a new "keyboard" of seeds. Then we pass the seed as an argument and return the resulting private key.
Using Web3.JS V2
When using Web3.JS V2, you can extract a keyboard from a mnemonic phrase by importing the necessary features:
Import {mnemonictseseed} from '@solar/web3.js';
Import {Keypair} from './Keypair-signer.d.ts';
const mnemonic = 'your words-manonic-beauty'; // replace with your mnemonic phrase
// Extract the keyboard using mnemonic seeds and web3.JS V2 features
Asynchronized derivekeypair () asynchronized function {
Cons Privatekes = wait for promise.all ([
New Keypair (). Privatekey,
New keyboard (). Secretkey,
Return to Privatekeys;
Constystatura = wait for derivekeypair ();
In this example, we use Web3.JS V2 to extract two private keys from mnemonic seeds: public key and a secret key. Then we print the resulting keys for further processing.
Following these steps, you must be able to extract a keyboard from a mnemonic phrase using Web3.JS V2.