Solana: Failed to run tests in anchor. The main error is that the anchor test command cannot find the .ts file.

Error running anchor tests on Solana


The issue you are facing is related to running tests on your Solana blockchain using the Anchor framework. Specifically, when trying to run a test using the anchor test command, you are encountering an error that points to a file extension issue.

Step-by-step solution

  • Check your file extensions

    : Make sure your .ts files are compiled correctly and have the same file extensions as their corresponding Solana tests. Typically, Solana tests end with “.sol”.

  • Update anchor command: Make sure you are using the correct anchor command to compile and run your test. The command is typically anchor compile --test . Replace with the actual path to your test file.
  • Check Solana’s Solhint configuration:

Solhint is a tool that helps you detect errors in your code. To configure Solhint for better error handling, follow these steps:

– Create a solhint.json configuration file in the root directory of your project.

– In the solhint.json file, specify the path to the solhint executable and configure the rules accordingly.

For example:



"rules": ["

"path": "/usr/bin/solhint"


  • Compiling and running tests

    Solana: Could not able to run tests in anchor. Main error is anchor test command is not finding .ts file

    : Once you have updated your
    solhint.jsonconfiguration, run the following command to compile and test your code:


anchor compile --test /home/ahmed/development/your-x/tests/your-x.ts

  • Verify that your tests are running correctly:

After running the compiled tests, verify that they are running correctly by checking the output or logs for errors related to TypeError: Unknown file extension “.ts”.

  • Update Anchor - If the test build still fails, make sure your Solana node is up to date and the necessary packages are installed.


- Make sure you have installed the necessary dependencies in your project root directory.

- Check for conflicts between solhint rules and other tool configurations (e.g. npm or yarn).

- Check that your test files do not contain any syntax errors but still cause theTypeError`.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error associated with building and running tests on your Solana blockchain using Anchor.