Metamask: Goerli faucet website showing error”:”Invalid chainNetwork

Metask: error page showing an incorrect chain network error

If you have a mistake while trying to visit using Metamark, you are not alone. Many users have reported that this problem has encountered and it is important to understand what is happening behind the scenes.

What is a metamark?

Metask is a popular cryptocurrency portfolio developed by Block, the best technology company Blockchain. It enables users to store, send, receive and manage cryptocurrencies without leaving a web browser or mobile application.

Error in the chain network: Common problem

When you try to access using a metamark, your wallet may not be able to connect to a specific chain network. This can lead to an error of the “incorrect chain network”. The Metask team recognized this problem and offered some stages of solving problems to solve it.

Step -by -Step solution:

Metamask: Goerli faucet website showing error


  • Check the network settings: Make sure the internet connection is stable and the router is correctly configured. You can check the network settings by clicking the Wi-Fi icon on a system tray (usually in the lower right corner).

  • Update Metask to version 1.14.0:

    Get access to the Metask website ([www.met] (http: //www.met, click three points up – right corner and Choose a “o About” update portfolio.

  • Wipe the cache and cookies: Wipe the browser’s cache and metamark cookies to make sure they are updated. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows/Linux) or Command + Shift + R (Mac) when using a web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.


Additional tips:

  • If you have any problems after trying out these steps, there may be other factors in the game, such as incorrect portfolio settings or problems with network connectivity.

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Metamark installed and updated.

  • If you have recently updated the operating system or browser, you may have influenced the Metask installation. Try to reinstall Metask to check if it solves the problem.

After these problems solving problems, you should be able to solve the “abnormal chain network” error when you gain access to using a metamark. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to refer to Metask help for additional help.