Ethereum: In 2009, where were Bitcoin source codes stored?

Ethereum’s genesis: Discovering the Bitcoin source code

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, released the first block of Bitcoin Blockchain known as Block 0. At that time there was no central storage for Bitcoin’s source code. Instead, the development was held on a decentralized network, with contribution from various programmers and associates.

Where are the output codes stored?

Initially, Satoshi Nakamoto hosted the Bitcoin source code in a directory called Trac on a private server (SVN) server by, an online Bitcoin discussion forum. The Trac interface provided a web-based interface for managing and updating the code base.

No centralized repository?

At that time, there was no central storage like GitHub or Gitlab, where we see today. Instead, the developers relying on emails lists such as a list of postal bitcoin to discuss and share updates with each other.

How did the associates work?

Associates, known as developers, used various tools and techniques for cooperation and filing their contributions. They could:

  • Upload files : developers would upload changes to their code to the TRAC interface or send them directly to Satoshi.

  • Contribute via Mercurial : The precursor to Bitcoin, Hashgraph (later renamed Ethereum) also uses a distributed version control system called Mercurial. Developers can contribute code using this system.

  • Send requests for download : Associates will submit requests for downloading the Trac interface, which have been reviewed and approved by Satoshi.

The appearance of github

Quickly forward to 2010, when Satoshi decided to open Bitcoin on April 23, 2009 (Block 1). This marks a significant stage in the development of Bitcoin’s code base. The first official storage for Bitcoin was created under the name bitcoin and is now hosting Github.

Ethereum: Project Project **

In October 2014, Vitalik Buterin, one of Ethereum’s key developers, suggested a fork of Bitcoin’s starting code, which would eventually become Ethereum. The new repository, also called “Ethereum”, was created under the name “Ethers” and is now hosted by GitHub.

Ethereum: From output code to decentralized network

Today, the Ethereum source code is managed by a decentralized network of associates working together through various tools such as Gitlab and Bitbucket. Although there were no centralized repositories in 2009, the Bitcoin Bitcoin project with Satoshi Nakamoto made the way to develop Ethereum.


Ethereum: In 2009, where were Bitcoin source codes stored?

The history of Ethereum’s origin emphasizes the early days of the decentralized development of the software and the importance of collaboration between developers. From its modest start to a private server to undermine its current status as a thriving decentralized network, Ethereum has been a long way. As we continue to upgrade existing blockchain networks, understanding the story behind their creation is essential to stimulate innovation and progress.


  • [1] Satoshi nakamoto (2009). Bitcoin software development. Extracted from <

  • [2] Vitalik Buterin (2014). Ethereum Core Project. Derived from <

  • [3] trac (2009). Bitcoin output code. Extracted from <

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