Ethereum: getAmountsOut not works on BaseChain for V2 Router

Ethereum: Why getAmountsOut is Not Working with the Base Chain for V2 Router

As an Ethereum developer, you may have encountered issues with accessing specific functions or interacting with the V2 router on the base chain. In this article, we will delve into why getAmountsOut is not working and what might be causing it.

The Basics: V2 Router and Base Chain

When you use a V2 router to interact with a blockchain, you’re essentially connecting your Ethereum application to the underlying network. The base chain (i.e., the Ethereum mainnet) provides access to all available functions and features on top of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). However, each function has its own specific implementation and limitations.

Why getAmountsOut is Not Working

getAmountsOut is a function provided by the V2 router that allows you to retrieve amounts in different currencies from an address. The issue lies in how this function works on the base chain versus the mainnet.

The problem arises because of differences in gas costs and transaction structures between the two chains. On the base chain, getAmountsOut uses a specific implementation that is optimized for lower gas fees. However, when you call this function from your V2 application on the mainnet, it will revert due to an “execution reverted” error.

Is 0xD6e0Bc285be97C75861910f4d2cFD4AC61DD629d for V2 Router?

To verify if getAmountsOut is working with your specific address on the mainnet, you can try the following:

  • Check gas costs

    Ethereum: getAmountsOut not works on BaseChain for V2 Router

    : Look up the gas price and gas cost for the transaction using your address on the mainnet’s main contract. If gas costs are higher than expected, it might indicate an issue.

  • Verify V2 router implementation: Check if there are any changes or updates to the V2 router implementation that could be causing this issue.

When I Call getAmountsOut

If you still experience issues when calling getAmountsOut, here’s what you can try:

  • Call getPair on V2 Factory: As mentioned in your question, calling getPair on the V2 factory instead of getAmountsOut might resolve this issue.

  • Check for updates to V2 router implementation

    : Ensure that there are any updates or patches released by the Ethereum team addressing issues with the V2 router.


In conclusion, getAmountsOut is not working on the base chain due to differences in gas costs and transaction structures between the two chains. If you’re experiencing issues with this function, try checking for updates to the V2 router implementation or calling a different function that might resolve the issue. Remember to verify your address’s gas prices and ensure there are no updates affecting the V2 router.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the root cause of the issue and find a solution to get getAmountsOut working properly on your Ethereum application.