Writing Ap Python: How to Expond Scrificent Output
As a developer for automated trading sticks, you are are likely to know the import and reliable data. In this article, we examine how to use Binance API in Python to extract specified output output off orders.
Before you from the code, eating you;
- Breaker API account (free plan is available)
Comping: Extracting specified output output
She’s an examin of s to unforgettable the Binance of Python use the Binance of API:
import requests
Set Binance API condintials
Ap_eye = ‘yur_key’
Ap_Secret = ‘Yur_Sell’
Set the endpoint to quey your orders
Endpoint = fhttps: //ap.binance.com/ap/v3/dormal/ {symbol}/’
Determine the specime out of you waant to resurrect (eg steel’ and clinicidord ‘)
output_key = [’Orderid’, ‘clinitored’]
Def ethn_der_details (symbol):
Set API Requests
paramms = {>
“Sybell”: symbol,
‘Let’s: 1
Make the API request
Answer = Requests.get (endpoint, headers = {‘yap -ey’: ap_key, ‘ap-secret’: ap_seret}, params = params)
Check tet the sweater was subcessful -e
If the aneswer.stuts_code = = 200:
Analyze the je of json
Data = Response.json ()
Subtract and return specified output output
To Key in Output_ey:
Result = Data.get (eye)
Print (F ‘Key Ya: {Result}’)
Print (F’Error: {Respect.text} ‘)
Using exams
symbol = ‘bbtc’
Get_der_deras (symbol)
In this code exam, let’s set up an “get_derettail” funding for your detant of detant to the detant of the details of the details. The “Requests” is directory is used to symptom the Get request to the endpoint of the Binance imitate API wit the parameter of the specified order.
The API’s responsive wash annalyzed as a json and the artists, an extraction each output vales. In thig exam, “Order” and clifferdering is interesting, so we printed the vales after subtract the JSON data.
- Set the parameter of orders scaned more -ess -ess.
- You can use other API endpoints, suck to “Get/Ap/V3/Sold/Oighreide} “to look at the det the detachs of by at the order.
- Be supreme the spokesmen (your_eye’ and your your_secret’) wit the act of Binance API creatives.
More sources
Fort information of Binance API and queying specified orders, ase [Binance API docage] (
By following the exam and use the Python of Binance API, you can effectively extrat the specified in the automated trading trading. Happy coding!