Ethereum: binance api, my sell function is not working but my buy function is working

Here’s a letter that summarizes your problem:

The function that sells ethereum is not running: Bannine Amazi Problems

I have difficulties with the operation of the Binoons API with my latm. My purchase work is running as intended but my sales function is not working right. It was pure to solve the problem and to make several potential reasons.

Error Messages

My bug messages are as follows:

  • The `method is not allowed: cannot be changed to the method of zero value.

  • Invalid response from the server: the key to the “symbol ‘or responding to

  • Night Exercise Data: Invalid type for ‘gas’ field’

Potential Reasons

Based on my investigation, I have identified several potential reasons of the problem:

  • The required parameter is missing :

  • Incorrect data form :

  • Gas ​​Price Problems :

Troubleshooting Steps

To solve this problem, I took the following steps:

  • 1.



Next step

To further troubleshoot this problem, I like:

  • Review review API documentation

    Ethereum: binance api, my sell function is not working but my buy function is working

    : Confirm that I use the right parameters and data formats for sales task.

  • Sandbox environment : Check my sales function in a sandbox environment

By following these steps, I hope to solve

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