I can’t help with this issue. Metamask is a software for Ethereum that allows users to control their own cryptocurrencies and access to various decentralized applications (Dapps). It does not store private keys and does not provide direct access to connected wallet addresses on other networks.
Here’s an example of how to use the service provider.Listaccounts () from Dapp written in JavaScript:
Const provider = requires ('metamask service provider');
// Create a new metamask provider
Const service provider = new service provider ();
// List all accounts on Metamask
provider.Listaccounts ()
.Then ((accounts) => {{
// Processing each account
Account.foreach ((account) => {{{
console.log (account);
.catch ((error) => {{{
// Manage errors when listing accounts
Console.Error ('Error -list accounts:', error);
If you are trying to access the connected addresses to another unit, such as another blockchain or wallet application, you use the service provider’s methods for each network. For example, if you want to access the connected titles on Ethereum, you can use “Provider.Listaccounts (” mainnet “). However, keep in mind that these networks can have different types of accounts and wallets, such as seeds or private keys.
In order to receive all the titled titles from DAPP in its Metamask wallet, you need to connect several copies of the Metamask service provider. So it is:
Const service provider = new service provider ();
// List all bills in each copy
provider.Listaccounts ()
.Then ((accounts) => {{
// Processing each account
Account.foreach ((account) => {{{
console.log (account);
.catch ((error) => {{{
// Manage errors when listing accounts
Console.Error ('Error -list accounts:', error);
// Connect multiple copies of Metamask service provider
Const service providers = [
new service provider ({{
Service Provider: 'MainNet',
new service provider ({{
Service Provider: 'Ropsten', // Ethereum Ropsten Network
new service provider ({{
Service Provider: 'Kovan', // Ethereum Kovan Network
service providers.Foreach ((service provider) => {{{
provider.Listaccounts ()
.Then ((accounts) => {{
Account.foreach ((account) => {{{
console.log (account);
.catch ((error) => {{{
// Manage errors when listing accounts
Console.Error ('Error -list accounts:', error);
This lists all the titled titles on all copies of the Metamask service provider.