Ethereum: How to know if bitcoind synced?

Understanding Bitcoind and Its File System

As a Bitcoin user, it’s essential to understand the inner working of the Bitcoin Software, including Bitcoind. In this article, we’ll explore how to determine IF Bitcoind has synced with the network.

The Basics of Bitcoind

When you install Bitcoind on your Ubuntu system, it creates a new directory structure that reflects its configuration and data files. HERE’S AN OVERVIEW OF THE FILE SYSTEM LAYOUT:

  • ./Database: The Bitcoin Database, Storing Information About Blocks, Transactions, and Other Relevant Data.

  • ./Blocks/Index: A Database of All Blocks in the Bitcoin Network, with Timestamps and Transaction Counts.

  • Other subdirectories: these contains various files specific to each block or transaction.

syncing with the network

To confirm IF Bitcoind has synced with the Bitcoin Network, you can check the following files:

  • ./Database Directory:

* If the file size is approximately 16 kb (16,000 bytes) and not too large, it likely has not synced yet.

  • ./Blocks/Index Directory:

* The timestamp of the last block in this directory should be close to the current time.

  • Other subdirectories:

* If you have any files with names like `0001.txt, 0002.txt, or similar, it indicates that they are not yet synced.

the “du -h” command

Ethereum: How to know if bitcoind synced?

The du command is used to estimate the space usage of a directory. When you run du -h./Database, here’s what you’ll see:

  • The first line displays the size of each file in the directory, with the unit (k,m, etc.) and number of directories (/) on the left.

  • The next lines show the estimated total size of the files and subdirectories.

For Example:


16k ./database

59m ./blocks/index

29g ./blocks

646m …


In this case, the first line indicates that the


To confirm IF Bitcoind has synced with the Bitcoin Network, examine the size of the./Databaseand./Blocks/IndexDirectories. If they're not too much, it's likely that the block syncing process is stilling. However, as a general rule, these directories should be around 1-10 MB in size after 10 hours, depending on the network conditions.

Additional tips

  • You can check the current time by runningDateor using a tool like Time.

  • If you are concerned about the syncing process taking too long, consider increasing the disk space available for Bitcoind (-d `).

  • Regularly check your file system for any changes that might indicate syncing issues.