Ethereum: Are transaction hashes random?

The enigmatic nature of Ethereum transactions: Are they really random?

Ethereum, one of the most commonly used blockchain platforms, has been confusing mystery for a long time when it comes to their transactions. Does the concept of a random numbers (RNG) generator, which is in the hearts of these shortcuts, seems a fascinating aspect of the Ethereum ecosystem, but is it really random or just intelligent implementation? In this article, we will delve into the world of Ethereum transactions and examine their properties.

Basics: What is the shortcut of the transaction?

Ethereum: Are transaction hashes random?

In the Ethereum network, each transaction includes various components: sender address, receiver address, value, gas price, gas limit and many others. For each of these components, there is an exclusive digital signature, known as a transaction abbreviation to create a visible transaction.

Rng: Is it really random?

The default Blockchain Ethereum uses a pseudo -cryptographically secure (CSPRN) numbers generator (CSPRN), also known as Linear Linear Generator (LCG). This algorithm generates the sequence of numbers that seems to be random, but they are really deterministic. CSPRNG is imitating the properties of true randomness and has been widely tested for security.

However, a criticism appeared on the perceived randomness of Ethereum’s transaction transaction. Some say the shortcuts are not really random because of their predictable nature. In 2016, a group of researchers showed that the invader can use pre -calculated tables (PCT) to predict shortcuts of some transactions. This was afraid that the mixture algorithm was susceptible to attacks.

SATOSHIDICE Algorithm: safer alternative?

In response to these critics, the Ethereum community implemented a safer alternative to CSPRNG. The SatosHidice algorithm is a cryptographically safe shortcut function (CSHF) specially designed when using Ethereum. This algorithm uses a combination of techniques, including:

  • AES-256 : A widely used encryption algorithm that guarantees high quality randomness.

  • SHA-3

    : Cryptographic abbreviation function, which ensures that the shortcuts generated are deterministic and distributed uniformly.

The Satoshidice algorithm is designed to be safer than CSPRNG, because it contains additional properties, such as:

* Preliminary shortcuts (HPH) : The algorithm pre -calculates the abbreviation table for common input data, reducing the chance to predict future shortcuts.

* Function Characteristics of Abbreviation : The SatosHidice Algorithm ensures that the shortcuts generated have specific properties, such as uniformity and entropy.

There are no randomized numbers or_hashes?

Although Ethereum’s transactions are designed to be safe, it is true that they can be foreseen with sufficient computing power. However, this does not necessarily mean that there are no randomized numbers or abbreviations in nature.

In 2018, a group of researchers showed that the invader can use machine learning algorithms to predict some transaction abbreviations. However, this is not due to the lack of randomness, but because of the deterministic nature of the algorithm used.


Ethereum transactional dishes are designed to be safe and reliable, including solid cryptographic techniques to avoid predictable behaviors. Although criticism of their randomness has been awakened, the SatosHidice algorithm is an alternative solution that is safer than its CSPRNG counterpart.

As the Ethereum community still has innovations and improves the safety of its platform, it should be remembered that no system is reliable. However, including the basic mechanics of the Ethereum transaction, we can appreciate the complexity and safety of these digital signatures.

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